I have been gardening for many years. When I first started out I just grew a few mainstay
vegetables every year. I always bought a few tomatoes and then grew some carrots, onions,
peas, and potatoes. After a few years I decided to grow my own tomatoes from seeds and that
worked very well for me.
I had always planted flowers in my yard every year. They were mostly annuals I bought from
the local garden center. After my success with the tomatoes, I went on to growing my own annuals from seeds and I also had great success with that.
I have always kept a few of the annuals in the house to brighten things up. To my friends
it was obvious that I liked to have house plants around so one of my friends gave me an orchid
as a gift. I almost killed it twice before I learned how to treat it. Back then there wasn't
tons of information about orchids and the internet was not available like it is today. Between
a friend at the garden center and myself, I was able to zero in on the problem. I was performing
a form of water torture on it, first too much and then not enough. Thank goodness that it didn't
get a disease or infested with bugs during that time.
Anyway, I loved the challenge that my orchid and I went through and once the flowers bloomed,
I was hooked. I went to the library and started reading more about orchids when ever books became available. Before, I had just grown vegetables and a few flowers with little understanding of what I was doing. After I started reading more about orchids, I actually started learning more about how plants in general and orchids operate.
Over a period of years, I have written many notes from what I have learned and I have always
thought that I would write a book someday about flowers or orchids or both. In the last several
years I have had to learn and work with computers on a daily basis in my job. I have learned
enough that I can get around the internet pretty good. So I decided recently to start a website
about orchids and start writing and adding articles as I had time to write them. I have also
written articles and submitted to the main article directories.
I am currently writing a book about orchids and hope to have it finished by the end of the year.
Please feel free to visit my Online Orchid Center at http://www.onlineorchidcenter.com and read all my articles on orchids and sign up for my free mini course called "The Secrets of Orchid Care"
Ellen Reader